Contact for Faith Formation: Ann Maidman, DRE/DYM (520) 568-4605

2024-2025 Registration
for Religious Education
We are currently registering for our upcoming 2024-2025 School Year.
We have classes available for
Pre-School through 12th Grade.
Please click below to register:
Registration will run from May until August 1, 2024.
For questions, please contact
Ann Maidman, DRE/DYM
Religious Education: Sacramental Preparation for First Communion and Confirmation
Our Lady of Grace Parish believes that a lifelong faith formation is essential to grow in love and service of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We welcome and encourage all families; children, teens and adults to grow in knowledge of Jesus and the holy, Catholic Church by participating in a wide variety of programs designed to deepen our faith and spirituality. The goal of Religious Education is to provide an opportunity for nurturing and forming our parishioners of all ages in the teachings of Christ our Lord, through the study of Scripture, the Catholic Catechism, traditions of the church and specially selected programs designed for religious education of our young people.
Classes begin in August through April.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Our Lady of Grace Parish invites its adults who are interested in the process of searching and inquiring about the Catholic way of life. Through RCIA, the Catholic Church extends an invitation to: (1) Those who are not associated with a community of faith and who wish to become Catholic; (2) those who want to convert to Catholicism from another faith. For them, the RCIA is the process through which they will become full-fledged Catholics; and (3) those who want to learn about the Catholic faith. These individuals may be involved in interfaith marriages or simply are actively involved in a Church of a different denomination and they want to learn more about the Catholic faith in the spirit of ecumenism. Meets on Mondays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Classes begin in September through Easter Vigil (March/April).
CONTACT: Deacon Roger Maidman
Adult Confirmation (English)
Our Lady of Grace Parish invites its adults who have been baptized and have not received First Holy Communion and/or the Sacrament of Confirmation. The reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace, making Christians more perfectly bound to the Church as true witnesses of Christ. Classes are held on Mondays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Parish Office. Classes begin in September through April.
CONTACT: Deacon Roger Maidman
RCIA/Adult Confirmation (Spanish/Espanol)
Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Gracia invita a sus adultos que han sido bautizados y no han recibido la Primera Comunión y / o el Sacramento de la Confirmación. La recepción del Sacramento de la Confirmación es necesaria para completar la gracia bautismal, lo que hace que los cristianos estén más perfectamente vinculados a la Iglesia como verdaderos testigos de Cristo. Las clases se imparten los sabados de 5:00 p.m. a las 7:30 p.m. en la oficina parroquial. Las clases comienzan de septiembre a abril.
CONTACT: Karla Bracamonte
Sunday Children's Liturgy
Our Lady of Grace Parish invites all children, ages 3-10, to learn more about their Catholic faith through the Mass.
The Children's Liturgy will begin in September and run through June. The Children's Liturgy is currently held during the 10:30am Mass and the 12:00pm Spanish Mass. Beginning September 2023, we offer Children's Liturgy at the 9:00am Mass as well. Children's Liturgy allows our children to learn and experience Jesus through the Gospel, prayer, stories, songs, crafts and activities in an environment appropriate for them and their age. CONTACT: Ann Maidman
Summer Bible Camp
Our Lady of Grace Parish invites all children entering kindergarten through sixth grade to participate in a week-long summer religious education program that is focused on a specific theme that employs Bible stories, religious songs, arts and crafts, themed-snacks, skits and more. Summer Bible Camp helps the children to discover the mystery of the Mass and their mission to love Jesus in the Eucharist and one another. As with all great programs, it takes great effort and many helping hands to make it a success. Our Lady of Grace invites High School Youth, Young Adults and Adults/Parents to volunteer and share their talents of singing, dancing, crafting, decorating, snacking and storytelling.
CONTACT: Ann Maidman
Walk to Emmaus Adult Bible Study
Our Lady of Grace Parish invites adults to share in this Catholic Bible study program that will help you deepen personal relationship with Christ and in your faith by offering personal study and small group discussion that link our everyday challenges and struggles with solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church.
CONTACT: Tom & Denise Towne
Quinceañera Program
Our Lady of Grace Parish invites our young ladies who are turning 15 years old to join our Quinceañera Program. You must register at least 6 months prior to the date of the Quinceañera.
The family needs to be registered at Our Lady of Grace for at least 6 months.
Must participate in our Quinceañera Program for 6 months.
Register in for the Quinceañera Program 6 month prior to the date of the Quinceañera.
Must be active in our Youth Group
Will need to be enrolled in Confirmation Classes. If they have already made their Confirmation, a Confirmation Certificate must be provided when scheduling the date.
Cost: $500
La Parroquia Our Lady of Grace invita a nuestras jóvenes que cumplen 15 años a unirse a nuestro Programa de Quinceañera. Debes registrarte al menos 6 meses antes de la fecha de la Quinceañera.
La familia debe estar registrada en Nuestra Señora de la Gracia durante al menos 6 meses.
Debe participar en nuestro Programa de Quinceañera durante 6 meses.
Regístrese en el Programa de Quinceañera 6 meses antes de la fecha de la Quinceañera.
Debe estar activo en nuestro grupo de jóvenes.
Deberá estar inscrito en clases de confirmación. Si ya han hecho su Confirmación, se debe proporcionar un Certificado de Confirmación al programar la fecha.
Costo: $ 500
CONTACT: Ann Maidman
Grupo de Oracion Y Estudio Biblico
La Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Gracia invita a los adultos a compartir este programa de estudio de la Biblia católica que lo ayudará a profundizar la relación personal con Cristo y en su fe al ofrecer un estudio personal y una discusión en grupos pequeños que vinculan nuestros desafíos y dificultades cotidianos con las soluciones que se nos brindan a través de las enseñanzas. de Cristo y de la iglesia católica romana.
CONTACT: Patty Acosta