Sacramental preparation
First Reconciliation &
first holy communion
As Catholics we believe that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist, under the appearance of bread and wine. It is not simply a symbol that merely points to Jesus. We believe that the substance of the bread completely and totally ceases to exist, and that the substance of Christ’s own Body replaces the substance of the bread. We believe that the wine entirely ceases to exist as wine, and the substance of Christ’s own Blood replaces the wine. This transformation of the bread and wine into Jesus’ body and blood is called Transubstantiation which happens during the Consecration at Mass. The Holy Eucharist still looks like bread and wine but it is no longer bread and wine, it is Jesus. This is a miracle. This miracle happens by the power of the Holy Spirit through the ministry of the priest’s or bishop’s action in the person of Christ.
The sacrament of Reconciliation is also known as Penance and Confession, among other names.Although often called Reconciliation in common usage, the term “penance” best describes the essential interior disposition required for this sacrament. In fact, there is a virtue of penance. This is a supernatural virtue by which we are moved to detest our sins from a motive made known by faith, and with an accompanying purpose of offending God no more and of making satisfaction for our sins. In this sense the word “penance” is synonymous with “penitence” or “repentance.” Before the time of Christ the virtue of penance was the only means by which people’s sins could be forgiven. Even today, for those outside the Church in good faith, not possessing the sacrament of Penance, it is the only means for forgiveness of sins.
Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion is a two-year process which begins in the first grade with First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion being received at the end of the second grade.
Please contact the office at (520) 568-4605.
We are currently Registering for our
2024-2025 Religious Education School Year.